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* devSCSI3.c --
* Routines specific to the SCSI-3 Host Adaptor. This adaptor is
* based on the NCR 5380 chip. There are two variants, one is
* "onboard" the main CPU board (3/50, 3/60, 4/110) and uses a
* Universal DMA Controller chip, the AMD 9516 UDC. The other is
* on the VME and has a much simpler DMA interface. Both are
* supported here. The 5380 supports connect/dis-connect.
* Copyright 1988 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /sprite/src/kernel/dev/sun3.md/RCS/devSCSI3.c,v 9.5 90/09/11 12:40:37 rab Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)";
#endif /* not lint */
#include "sprite.h"
#include "scsi3.h"
#include "mach.h"
#include "dev.h"
#include "devInt.h"
#include "scsiHBA.h"
#include "scsiDevice.h"
#include "sync.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "bstring.h"
#include "dbg.h"
* Definitions for Sun's second variant on the SCSI device interface.
* This interface is found on 32-bit VME versions, i.e. some plug-in
* controllers, and the 3/{56}0. The associated paper reference is
* "Hardware Reference Manual for the Sun-3 SCSI Board". This explains
* general behavior of the VME version of the SCSI-3 interface.
* The reference for the 5380 is the NCR Standard Products Data Book,
* Micro-electronics Division. Page number references refer to the
* 4/88 (April 88) edition. The UDC (Universal DMA Controller) chip
* is the AMD 9516 and the AMD reference manual can be consulted for chip
* specifics.
* The 5380 has 8 general registers. They have different functions
* when read and written. See pp. 80-85 for register descriptions.
* This chip allows direct control over the SCSI bus by the CPU,
* so many bits correspond directly to SCSI bus signals.
typedef struct ReadRegs {
unsigned char data; /* Data register. A direct connection to
* the SCSI data bus. This is read during
* programmed I/O to get msgs, and during
* arbitration. */
unsigned char initCmd; /* Initiator command register */
unsigned char mode; /* Mode register */
unsigned char trgtCmd; /* Target command register */
unsigned char curStatus; /* All SCSI signals except ATN and ACK */
unsigned char status; /* ATN, ACK, plus DMA and interrupt signals */
unsigned char inData; /* Input data register. Used for "latched"
* data on the SCSI bus during DMA. This
* is not accessed directly by the driver. */
unsigned char clear; /* Read this to clear the following bits
* in the status register: parity error,
* interrupt request, busy failure. */
} ReadRegs;
* The following format applies when writing the registers.
typedef struct WriteRegs {
unsigned char data; /* Data register. Contains the ID of the
* SCSI "target", or controller, for the
* SELECT phase. Also, leftover odd bytes
* are left here after a read. */
unsigned char initCmd; /* Initiator command register */
unsigned char mode; /* Mode register */
unsigned char trgtCmd; /* Target command register */
unsigned char select; /* Select/reselect enable register */
* DMA is initiated by writing to these registers. The TARGET mode
* bit should be set right, i.e. cleared before writing to
* the send or initRecv registers, and the DMA mode bit should be set.
unsigned char send; /* Start DMA from memory to SCSI bus */
unsigned char trgtRecv; /* Start DMA from SCSI bus to target */
unsigned char initRecv; /* Start DMA from SCSI bus to initiator */
} WriteRegs;
* Control bits in the 5380 Initiator Command Register.
* RST, ACK, BSY, SEL, ATN are direct connections to SCSI control lines.
* Setting or clearing the bit raises or lowers the SCSI signal.
* Reading these bits indicates the current value of the control signal.
#define SBC_ICR_RST 0x80 /* (r/w) SCSI RST (reset) signal */
#define SBC_ICR_AIP 0x40 /* (r) arbitration in progress */
#define SBC_ICR_TEST 0x40 /* (w) test mode, disables output */
#define SBC_ICR_LA 0x20 /* (r) lost arbitration */
#define SBC_ICR_DE 0x20 /* (w) differential enable (5381 only) */
#define SBC_ICR_ACK 0x10 /* (r/w) SCSI ACK (acknowledge) signal */
#define SBC_ICR_BUSY 0x08 /* (r/w) SCSI BSY (busy) signal */
#define SBC_ICR_SEL 0x04 /* (r/w) SCSI SEL (select) signal */
#define SBC_ICR_ATN 0x02 /* (r/w) SCSI ATN (attention) signal */
#define SBC_ICR_DATA 0x01 /* (r/w) assert data bus. Enables the outData
* contents to be output on the SCSi data lines.
* This should be set during DMA send. */
* Bits in the 5380 Mode Register (same on read or write).
* "This is used to control the operation of the chip."
* The mode controls DMA, target/initiator roles, parity, and interrupts.
#define SBC_MR_BDMA 0x80 /* Enable block mode dma */
#define SBC_MR_TRG 0x40 /* Target mode when set, else Initiator */
#define SBC_MR_EPC 0x20 /* Enable parity check */
#define SBC_MR_EPI 0x10 /* Enable parity interrupt */
#define SBC_MR_EEI 0x08 /* Enable eop (end-of-process, dma) interrupt */
#define SBC_MR_MBSY 0x04 /* Enable monitoring of BSY (busy) signal */
#define SBC_MR_DMA 0x02 /* Enable DMA. Used with other DMA regs. */
#define SBC_MR_ARB 0x01 /* Set during SCSI bus arbitration */
* Bits in the 5380 Target Command Register.
* As an Initator, which we always are, this register must be set to
* match the current phase that's on the SCSI bus before sending data.
#define SBC_TCR_REQ 0x08 /* assert request. Only for targets. */
#define SBC_TCR_MSG 0x04 /* message phase, if set */
#define SBC_TCR_CD 0x02 /* command phase if set, else data phase */
#define SBC_TCR_IO 0x01 /* input phase if set, else output */
* Combinations for different phases as represented in the target cmd. reg.
#define TCR_DATA_OUT 0
* Bits in the 5380 Current SCSI Bus Status register (read only).
* This register is used to monitor the current state of all of
* the SCSI bus lines except ATN (attention) and ACK (acknowledge).
#define SBC_CBSR_RST 0x80 /* reset */
#define SBC_CBSR_BSY 0x40 /* busy */
#define SBC_CBSR_REQ 0x20 /* request */
#define SBC_CBSR_MSG 0x10 /* message */
#define SBC_CBSR_CD 0x08 /* command/data */
#define SBC_CBSR_IO 0x04 /* input/output */
#define SBC_CBSR_SEL 0x02 /* select */
#define SBC_CBSR_DBP 0x01 /* data bus parity */
* Combinations for different phases as represented on the SCSI bus.
* COMMAND phase is used to send a command block to a Target.
* STATUS phase is used to get status bytes from a Target.
* MSG_OUT phase is used to send message bytes to a Target.
* MSG_IN phase is used to get a message from a Target.
* DATA_OUT phase is used to send data to a Target.
* DATA_IN phase is used when receiving data from a Target.
#define PHASE_DATA_OUT 0
* Bits in the 5380 Bus and Status register. This has the ATN and ACK
* SCSI lines, plus other status bits.
#define SBC_BSR_EDMA 0x80 /* End of dma, almost, see p. 84 */
#define SBC_BSR_RDMA 0x40 /* DRQ (dma request) signal, set during DMA */
#define SBC_BSR_PERR 0x20 /* Parity error */
#define SBC_BSR_INTR 0x10 /* IRQ (interrupt request) */
#define SBC_BSR_PMTCH 0x08 /* Phase match indicates if trgtCmd is ok */
#define SBC_BSR_BERR 0x04 /* Busy error set when BSY goes away */
#define SBC_BSR_ATN 0x02 /* SCSI ATN (attention) signal */
#define SBC_BSR_ACK 0x01 /* SCSI ACK (acknowledge)_signal */
* AMD 9516 UDC (Universal DMA Controller) Registers.
* Sun3/50 and Sun3/60.
/* addresses of the udc registers accessed directly by driver */
#define UDC_ADR_MODE 0x38 /* master mode register */
#define UDC_ADR_COMMAND 0x2e /* command register (write only) */
#define UDC_ADR_STATUS 0x2e /* status register (read only) */
#define UDC_ADR_CAR_HIGH 0x26 /* chain addr reg, high word */
#define UDC_ADR_CAR_LOW 0x22 /* chain addr reg, low word */
#define UDC_ADR_CARA_HIGH 0x1a /* cur addr reg A, high word */
#define UDC_ADR_CARA_LOW 0x0a /* cur addr reg A, low word */
#define UDC_ADR_CARB_HIGH 0x12 /* cur addr reg B, high word */
#define UDC_ADR_CARB_LOW 0x02 /* cur addr reg B, low word */
#define UDC_ADR_CMR_HIGH 0x56 /* channel mode reg, high word */
#define UDC_ADR_CMR_LOW 0x52 /* channel mode reg, low word */
#define UDC_ADR_COUNT 0x32 /* number of words to transfer */
* For a dma transfer, the appropriate udc registers are loaded from a
* table in memory pointed to by the chain address register.
typedef struct UDCDMAtable {
unsigned short rsel; /* tells udc which regs to load */
unsigned short haddr; /* high word of main mem dma address */
unsigned short laddr; /* low word of main mem dma address */
unsigned short count; /* num words to transfer */
unsigned short hcmr; /* high word of channel mode reg */
unsigned short lcmr; /* low word of channel mode reg */
} UDCDMAtable;
/* indicates which udc registers are to be set based on info in above table */
#define UDC_RSEL_RECV 0x0182
#define UDC_RSEL_SEND 0x0282
/* setting of chain mode reg: selects how the dma op is to be executed */
#define UDC_CMR_HIGH 0x0040 /* high word of channel mode reg */
#define UDC_CMR_LSEND 0x00c2 /* low word of cmr when send */
#define UDC_CMR_LRECV 0x00d2 /* low word of cmr when receiving */
/* setting for the master mode register */
#define UDC_MODE 0xd /* enables udc chip */
/* setting for the low byte in the high word of an address */
#define UDC_ADDR_INFO 0x40 /* inc addr after each word is dma'd */
/* udc commands */
#define UDC_CMD_STRT_CHN 0xa0 /* start chaining */
#define UDC_CMD_CIE 0x32 /* channel 1 interrupt enable */
#define UDC_CMD_RESET 0x00 /* reset udc, same as hdw reset */
/* bits in the udc status register */
#define UDC_SR_CIE 0x8000 /* channel interrupt enable */
#define UDC_SR_IP 0x2000 /* interrupt pending */
#define UDC_SR_CA 0x1000 /* channel abort */
#define UDC_SR_NAC 0x0800 /* no auto reload or chaining*/
#define UDC_SR_WFB 0x0400 /* waiting for bus */
#define UDC_SR_SIP 0x0200 /* second interrupt pending */
#define UDC_SR_HM 0x0040 /* hardware mask */
#define UDC_SR_HRQ 0x0020 /* hardware request */
#define UDC_SR_MCH 0x0010 /* match on upper comparator byte */
#define UDC_SR_MCL 0x0008 /* match on lower comparator byte */
#define UDC_SR_MC 0x0004 /* match condition ended dma */
#define UDC_SR_EOP 0x0002 /* eop condition ended dma */
#define UDC_SR_TC 0x0001 /* termination of count ended dma */
* Misc defines
* Values for the reset argument of WaitReg.
#define RESET TRUE
/* arbitrary retry count */
#define SI_NUM_RETRIES 2
* WAIT_LENGTH - the number of microseconds that the host waits for
* various control lines to be set on the SCSI bus. The largest wait
* time is when a controller is being selected. This delay is
* called the Bus Abort delay and is about 250 milliseconds.
#define WAIT_LENGTH 250000
/* scsi timer values, all in microseconds */
#define SI_UDC_WAIT 1
#define SI_WAIT_COUNT 250000
/* directions for dma transfers */
#define SI_RECV_DATA 0
#define SI_SEND_DATA 1
#define SI_NO_DATA 2
/* initiator's scsi device id */
#define SI_HOST_ID 0x80
* INTR_ADDR(vector) - Compute the correct interruptAddr modifier
* for the VME version of this interface. Vector is the VME interrupt
* to use. The high order 8 bits is the address space modiifer.
* The correct value 0x3d - 24 bit address Supervisor data space.
* We shift it right 8 bits to leave room the the interrupt vector
* we or in.
#define INTR_ADDR(vector) ((0x3d<<8)|(vector))
* Maximum data transfer size for the onBoard HBA appears to be
* limited by the 16 bit dma register. Since this counter is in
* words we can send up to 127 K but not 128 K. The DMA counter
* on the VME version is 24 bits. As it turns out both this values are
* limited by the size of the mapped DMA buffer DEV_MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE.
#define MAX_VME_TRANSFER_SIZE (128*1024)
* Register layout for the SCSI control logic interface.
* Some of these registers apply to only one interface and some
* apply to both. The registers which apply to the Sun3/50 onboard
* version only are udc_rdata and udc_raddr. The registers which
* apply to the Sun3 vme version only are dma_addr, dma_count, bpr,
* iv_am, and bcrh. Thus, the sbc registers, fifo_data, bcr, and csr
* apply to both interfaces.
* One other feature of the vme interface: a write to the dma count
* register also causes a write to the fifo byte count register and
* vice-versa.
typedef struct CtrlRegs {
union {
struct ReadRegs read; /* scsi bus ctrl, read reg */
struct WriteRegs write; /* scsi bus ctrl, write reg */
} sbc; /* SBC 5380 registers, 8 bytes*/
unsigned short dmaAddressHigh; /* dma address register High */
unsigned short dmaAddressLow; /* dma address register Low */
unsigned short dmaCountHigh; /* dma count register High */
unsigned short dmaCountLow; /* dma count register low*/
unsigned short udcRdata; /* UDC, reg data */
unsigned short udcRaddr; /* UDC, reg addr */
unsigned short fifoData; /* fifo data register */
/* holds extra byte on odd */
/* byte dma read */
unsigned short fifoCountLow; /* fifo byte count reg */
unsigned short control; /* control/status register */
unsigned short bytePackHigh; /* Byte 0 and Byte 1 */
unsigned short bytePackLow; /* Byte 2 and Byte 3 */
unsigned short addrIntr; /* bits 0-7: addr modifier */
/* bits 8-13: intr vector */
/* bits 14-15: unused */
unsigned short fifoCountHigh; /* high portion of fifoCount */
} CtrlRegs;
* The dmaAddress, dmaCount, and fifoCount are 32 or 24 bit registers with only
* a 16 bit path to them. Because of this we have the following macros
* for setting and reading them.
* SET_FIFO_COUNT() - Set the FIFO count register to the provided value.
* READ_FIFO_COUNT() - Read the FIFO count register.
* SET_DMA_COUNT() - Set the DMA count register to the provided value.
* READ_DMA_COUNT() - Read the DMA count register.
* SET_DMA_ADDR() - Set the DMA address register to the provided value.
* READ_DMA_ADDR() - Read the DMA address register.
#ifdef bigio_works
#define SET_FIFO_COUNT(regsPtr, value) {\
(regsPtr)->fifoCountLow = ((unsigned) (value) & 0xffff); \
(regsPtr)->fifoCountHigh = (((unsigned)(value) >> 16) & 0xff); \
#define READ_FIFO_COUNT(regsPtr) \
((((regsPtr)->fifoCountHigh&0xff) << 16) | ((regsPtr)->fifoCountLow))
#define SET_DMA_COUNT(regsPtr, value) {\
(regsPtr)->dmaCountLow = ((unsigned) (value) & 0xffff); \
(regsPtr)->dmaCountHigh = (((unsigned)(value) >> 16) & 0xff); \
#define READ_DMA_COUNT(regsPtr) \
((((regsPtr)->dmaCountHigh&0xff) << 16) | ((regsPtr)->dmaCountLow))
static int countHighMask = 0;
#define SET_FIFO_COUNT(regsPtr, value) {\
(regsPtr)->fifoCountLow = ((unsigned) (value) & 0xffff); \
(regsPtr)->fifoCountHigh = (((unsigned)(value) >> 16) & countHighMask); \
#define READ_FIFO_COUNT(regsPtr) \
((((regsPtr)->fifoCountHigh&countHighMask) << 16) | ((regsPtr)->fifoCountLow))
#define SET_DMA_COUNT(regsPtr, value) {\
(regsPtr)->dmaCountLow = ((unsigned) (value) & 0xffff); \
(regsPtr)->dmaCountHigh = (((unsigned)(value) >> 16) & countHighMask); \
#define READ_DMA_COUNT(regsPtr) \
((((regsPtr)->dmaCountHigh&countHighMask) << 16) | ((regsPtr)->dmaCountLow))
#define SET_DMA_ADDR(regsPtr, value) {\
(regsPtr)->dmaAddressLow = ((unsigned) (value) & 0xffff); \
(regsPtr)->dmaAddressHigh = (((unsigned)(value) >> 16) & 0xffff); \
#define READ_DMA_ADDR(regsPtr) \
(((regsPtr)->dmaAddressHigh << 16) | ((regsPtr)->dmaAddressLow))
* Status Register.
* Note:
* (r) indicates bit is read only.
* (rw) indicates bit is read or write.
* (v) vme host adaptor interface only.
* (o) sun3/50 onboard host adaptor interface only.
* (b) both vme and sun3/50 host adaptor interfaces.
#define SI_CSR_DMA_ACTIVE 0x8000 /* (r,o) dma transfer active */
#define SI_CSR_DMA_CONFLICT 0x4000 /* (r,b) reg accessed while dmaing */
#define SI_CSR_DMA_BUS_ERR 0x2000 /* (r,b) bus error during dma */
#define SI_CSR_ID 0x1000 /* (r,b) 0 for 3/50, 1 for SCSI-3, */
/* 0 if SCSI-3 unmodified */
#define SI_CSR_FIFO_FULL 0x0800 /* (r,b) fifo full */
#define SI_CSR_FIFO_EMPTY 0x0400 /* (r,b) fifo empty */
#define SI_CSR_SBC_IP 0x0200 /* (r,b) sbc interrupt pending */
#define SI_CSR_DMA_IP 0x0100 /* (r,b) dma interrupt pending */
#define SI_CSR_LOB 0x00c0 /* (r,v) number of leftover bytes */
#define SI_CSR_LOB_THREE 0x00c0 /* (r,v) three leftover bytes */
#define SI_CSR_LOB_TWO 0x0080 /* (r,v) two leftover bytes */
#define SI_CSR_LOB_ONE 0x0040 /* (r,v) one leftover byte */
#define SI_CSR_BPCON 0x0020 /* (rw,v) byte packing control */
/* dma is in 0=longwords, 1=words */
#define SI_CSR_DMA_EN 0x0010 /* (rw,v) dma enable */
#define SI_CSR_SEND 0x0008 /* (rw,b) dma dir, 1=to device */
#define SI_CSR_INTR_EN 0x0004 /* (rw,b) interrupts enable */
#define SI_CSR_FIFO_RES 0x0002 /* (rw,b) inits fifo, 0=reset */
#define SI_CSR_SCSI_RES 0x0001 /* (rw,b) reset sbc and udc, 0=reset */
* devSCSI3Debug - debugging level
* 2 - normal level
* 4 - one print per command in the normal case
* 5 - traces interrupts
int devSCSI3Debug = 2;
* Number of times to try things like target selection.
* Registers are passed into the wait routine as Addresses, and their
* size is passed in as a separate argument to determine type coercion.
typedef enum {
} RegType;
* For waiting, there are several possibilities:
* ACTIVE_HIGH - wait for any bits in mask to be 1
* ACTIVE_ALL - wait for all bits in mask to be 1
* ACTIVE_LOW - wait for any bits in mask to be 0.
* ACTIVE_NONE - wait for all bits in mask to be 0.
typedef enum {
} BitSelection;
/* Forward declaration. */
typedef struct Controller Controller;
* Device - The data structure containing information about a device. One of
* these structure is kept for each attached device. Note that is structure
* is casted into a ScsiDevice and returned to higher level software.
* This implies that the ScsiDevice must be the first field in this
* structure.
typedef struct Device {
ScsiDevice handle; /* Scsi Device handle. This is the only part
* of this structure visible to higher
int targetID; /* SCSI Target ID of this device. Note that
* the LUN is store in the device handle. */
Controller *ctrlPtr; /* Controller to which device is attached. */
* The following part of this structure is
* used to handle SCSI commands that return
* CHECK status. To handle the REQUEST SENSE
* command we must: 1) Save the state of the current
* command into the "struct FrozenCommand". 2) Submit
* a request sense command formatted in SenseCmd
* to the device. */
struct FrozenCommand {
ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr; /* The frozen command. */
unsigned char statusByte; /* It's SCSI status byte, Will always have
* the check bit set.
int amountTransferred; /* Number of bytes transferred by this
* command.
} frozen;
char senseBuffer[DEV_MAX_SENSE_BYTES]; /* Data buffer for request sense */
ScsiCmd SenseCmd; /* Request sense command buffer. */
} Device;
* Controller - The Data structure describing a sun SCSI3 controller. One
* of these structures exists for each active SCSI3 HBA on the system. Each
* controller may have from zero to 56 (7 targets each with 8 logical units)
* devices attached to it.
struct Controller {
volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr; /* Pointer to the registers of
this controller. */
Boolean onBoard; /* TRUE if this is a on board version of the
* controller such as in the Sun 3/50, 3/60. FALSE
* if it is the VME version.
UDCDMAtable *udcDmaTable; /* Table for the onBoard's DMA chip. */
int dmaState; /* DMA state for this controller, defined below. */
Boolean dmaSetup; /* TRUE if the DMA register have been setup. Only used
* for the VME version. */
char *name; /* String for error message for this controller. */
DevCtrlQueues devQueues; /* Device queues for devices attached to this
* controller. */
Sync_Semaphore mutex; /* Lock protecting controller's data structures. */
/* Until disconnect/reconnect is added we can have
* only one current active device and scsi command.*/
Device *devPtr; /* Current active command. */
ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr; /* Current active command. */
Address dmaBuffer; /* DMA buffer allocated for this address. */
Device *devicePtr[8][8]; /* Pointers to the device attached to the
* controller index by [targetID][LUN].
* NIL if device not attached yet. Zero if
* device conflicts with HBA address. */
* Possible values for the dmaState state field of a controller.
* DMA_RECEIVE - data is being received from the device, such as on
* a read, inquiry, or request sense.
* DMA_SEND - data is being send to the device, such as on a write.
* DMA_INACTIVE - no data needs to be transferred.
#define DMA_RECEIVE 0x0
#define DMA_SEND 0x2
#define DMA_INACTIVE 0x4
* Test, mark, and unmark the controller as busy.
#define IS_CTRL_BUSY(ctrlPtr) ((ctrlPtr)->scsiCmdPtr != (ScsiCmd *) NIL)
#define SET_CTRL_BUSY(ctrlPtr,scsiCmdPtr) \
((ctrlPtr)->scsiCmdPtr = (scsiCmdPtr))
#define SET_CTRL_FREE(ctrlPtr) ((ctrlPtr)->scsiCmdPtr = (ScsiCmd *) NIL)
* MAX_SCSI3_CTRLS - Maximum number of SCSI3 controllers attached to the
* system. We set this to the maximum number of VME slots
* in any Sun system currently available.
#define MAX_SCSI3_CTRLS 16
static Controller *Controllers[MAX_SCSI3_CTRLS];
* Highest number controller we have probed for.
static int numSCSI3Controllers = 0;
* Forward declarations.
static Boolean ProbeOnBoard _ARGS_ ((int address));
static void Reset _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr));
static ReturnStatus SendCommand _ARGS_ ((Device *devPtr,
ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr));
static ReturnStatus GetStatusByte _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr,
unsigned char *statusBytePtr));
static ReturnStatus WaitPhase _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr,
unsigned int phase, Boolean reset));
static ReturnStatus WaitReg _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr,
Address thisRegPtr, RegType type,
unsigned int conditions,
Boolean reset, BitSelection bitSel));
static ReturnStatus GetByte _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr,
unsigned int phase, char *charPtr));
#ifdef reselection
static ReturnStatus PutByte _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr, char *dataPtr));
static void PrintRegs _ARGS_((volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr));
static void StartDMA _ARGS_ ((Controller *ctrlPtr));
* ProbeOnBoard --
* Test of the existance for the onboard SCSI-3 interface.
* Results:
* TRUE if the host adaptor was found.
* Side effects:
* None.
static Boolean
int address; /* Alledged controller address */
ReturnStatus status;
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)address;
int x;
* Touch the device's UDC read data register.
status = Mach_Probe(sizeof(regsPtr->udcRdata),(char *)&(regsPtr->udcRdata),
(char *)&x);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 3) {
printf("Onboard SCSI3 not found at address 0x%x\n",address);
return (FALSE);
if (devSCSI3Debug > 3) {
printf("Onboard SCSI3 found\n");
* ProbeVME --
* Probe memory for the new-style VME SCSI interface. This occupies
* 2K of VME space.
* Results:
* TRUE if the host adaptor was found.
* Side effects:
* None.
static Boolean
int address; /* Alledged controller address */
volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)address;
ReturnStatus status;
* Touch the device. The dmaCount register should hold more
* than 16 bits, which is all the old host adaptor's dmaCount can hold.
unsigned short value = 0xABCC;
status = Mach_Probe(sizeof(regsPtr->dmaCountLow), (char *) &value,
(char *) &(regsPtr->dmaCountLow));
value = 0x4A;
status = Mach_Probe(sizeof(regsPtr->dmaCountHigh),
(char *) &value, (char *) &(regsPtr->dmaCountHigh));
if (status != SUCCESS) {
return (FALSE);
if (regsPtr->dmaCountLow != 0xABCC) {
printf("Warning: ProbeSCSI-3 read back problem %x not %x\n",
return (FALSE);
if (devSCSI3Debug > 3) {
printf("VME SCSI3 found\n");
* Reset --
* Reset a SCSI bus controlled by the SCSI-3 Sun Host Adaptor.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Reset the controller and SCSI bus.
static void
Controller *ctrlPtr;
volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
unsigned char clear;
regsPtr->control = 0;
regsPtr->control = SI_CSR_SCSI_RES | SI_CSR_FIFO_RES;
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = SBC_ICR_RST;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
clear = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
#ifdef lint
regsPtr->sbc.read.clear = clear;
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_INTR_EN;
regsPtr->sbc.write.mode = 0;
* SendCommand --
* Send a command to a SCSI controller via the SCSI-3 Host Adaptor.
* NOTE: The caller is assumed to have the master lock of the controller
* to which the device is attached held.
* Results:
* An error code.
* Side effects:
* Those of the command (Read, write etc.)
static Address lastDmaAddr;
static ReturnStatus
SendCommand(devPtr, scsiCmdPtr)
Device *devPtr; /* Device to sent to. */
ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr; /* Command to send. */
ReturnStatus status;
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr; /* Host Adaptor registers */
register volatile unsigned char *initCmdPtr; /* pointer to initCmd reg */
register volatile unsigned char *modePtr; /* pointer to mode register */
register char *charPtr;
Controller *ctrlPtr;
int i, numAttempts;
int size; /* Number of bytes to transfer */
Address addr; /* Kernel address of transfer */
* Set current active device and command for this controller.
ctrlPtr = devPtr->ctrlPtr;
ctrlPtr->dmaBuffer = (Address) NIL;
ctrlPtr->devPtr = devPtr;
size = scsiCmdPtr->bufferLen;
addr = scsiCmdPtr->buffer;
* Determine the DMA state the size and direction of data transfer.
if (size == 0) {
ctrlPtr->dmaState = DMA_INACTIVE;
} else {
ctrlPtr->dmaState = (scsiCmdPtr->dataToDevice) ? DMA_SEND :
ctrlPtr->dmaSetup = FALSE;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 3) {
printf("SCSI3Command: %s addr %x size %d dma %s\n",
devPtr->handle.locationName, addr, size,
(ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_INACTIVE) ? "not active" :
((ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_SEND) ? "send" :
regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
initCmdPtr = ®sPtr->sbc.write.initCmd;
modePtr = ®sPtr->sbc.write.mode;
* Clear all control lines.
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
* For VME interface dis-allow DMA interrupts from reconnect attempts.
regsPtr->control &= ~SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_BPCON; /* word byte packing */
regsPtr->sbc.write.select = 0;
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = 0;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
*modePtr &= ~SBC_MR_DMA;
* Arbitrate for the SCSI bus by putting our SCSI ID on the data
* bus and asserting the BUSY signal. After an arbitration delay
* we look for other, higher priority IDs on the bus. (We won't find
* any because the Host Adaptor is wired in to be the highest.)
* Arbitration is completed by asserting the SELECT line.
regsPtr->sbc.write.data = SI_HOST_ID;
for (numAttempts = 0; numAttempts < SBC_NUM_RETRIES; numAttempts++) {
* Wait for the bus to go to BUS FREE - busy line not held.
for (i=0 ; i < (WAIT_LENGTH/10) ; i++) {
if ((regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & SBC_CBSR_BSY) == 0) {
} else {
if (i == (WAIT_LENGTH/10)) {
* Probably a higher level synchronization error. The
* SCSI bus is probably busy with another transaction.
printf("Warning: %s SCSI bus stuck busy\n",ctrlPtr->name);
* Enter Arbitration mode on the chip.
*modePtr |= SBC_MR_ARB;
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address) ®sPtr->sbc.read.initCmd,
if (status == DEV_TIMEOUT) {
if (status != SUCCESS) {
regsPtr->sbc.write.data = 0;
*modePtr &= ~SBC_MR_ARB;
printf("Warning: %s arbitration failed on %s\n",
ctrlPtr->name, devPtr->handle.locationName);
if (((regsPtr->sbc.read.initCmd & SBC_ICR_LA) == 0) &&
((regsPtr->sbc.read.data & ~SI_HOST_ID) < SI_HOST_ID)) {
* Lost arbitration due to reselection attempt by a target.
*modePtr &= ~SBC_MR_ARB;
printf("Warning: %s lost arbitration\n",ctrlPtr->name);
* A target may have tried to select us during arbitration phase.
* At this point we should save the current command and
* respond to the reconnection interrupt.
if ((regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & SBC_CBSR_SEL) &&
(regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & SBC_CBSR_IO) &&
(regsPtr->sbc.read.data & SI_HOST_ID)) {
printf("Warning: %s someone attempted to reselect.\n",ctrlPtr->name);
if (numAttempts == SBC_NUM_RETRIES) {
printf("Warning: %s unable to select target %s\n", ctrlPtr->name,
* Arbitration complete. Confirm by setting SELECT and BUSY.
* The ATN (attention) line would be set here if we want allow
* disconnection by the target.
*modePtr &= ~SBC_MR_ARB;
* Select the target by putting its ID plus our own on the bus
* and waiting for the target to assert the BUSY signal. We
* drop SEL and DATA after the target responds.
regsPtr->sbc.write.data = (1 << devPtr->targetID) | SI_HOST_ID;
*initCmdPtr &= ~SBC_ICR_BUSY;
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address) ®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s can't select %s\n",
ctrlPtr->name, devPtr->handle.locationName);
regsPtr->sbc.write.data = 0;
*initCmdPtr &= ~(SBC_ICR_SEL | SBC_ICR_DATA);
* Clear selection and DMA interrupts.
regsPtr->sbc.write.select = 0;
*modePtr &= ~SBC_MR_DMA;
#ifdef reselection
* After target selection there is an optional message phase where
* we send an IDENTIFY message to indicate dis-connect capability.
data = SCSI_IDENDIFY | devPtr->handle.LUN;
status = PutByte(ctrlPtr, &data);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
#endif reselection
#ifdef lint
status = PutByte(ctrlPtr, (char *) 0);
if (ctrlPtr->dmaState != DMA_INACTIVE) {
if ((unsigned) scsiCmdPtr->buffer < (unsigned) VMMACH_DMA_START_ADDR) {
ctrlPtr->dmaBuffer = addr =
if (addr == (Address) NIL) {
panic("SendCommand: unable to allocate DMA memory.");
lastDmaAddr = ctrlPtr->dmaBuffer; /* XXX */
} else {
* Already mapped into DMA space.
addr = scsiCmdPtr->buffer;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
printf("SCSI3Command: selected %s setup DMA addr 0x%x size %d\n",
devPtr->handle.locationName, addr, size);
if (addr == (Address) NIL) {
panic("%s can't allocate DMA buffer of %d bytes\n",
devPtr->handle.locationName, size);
* First reset the DMA controllers so they
* don't complain with a DMA_CONFLICT interrupt.
if (ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_COMMAND;
regsPtr->udcRdata = UDC_CMD_RESET;
regsPtr->control &= ~SI_CSR_FIFO_RES;
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_FIFO_RES;
if (ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_RECEIVE) {
regsPtr->control &= ~SI_CSR_SEND;
} else {
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_SEND;
if (ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
register UDCDMAtable *udct = ctrlPtr->udcDmaTable;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("SCSI DMA addr = 0x%x size = %d\n",addr,size);
* Set fifoCount which is also wired to dmaCount, thus
* both registers are set. The onboard DMA controller requires
* that these counts be set before entering the DATA PHASE.
regsPtr->fifoCountLow = size;
* Go through reset again becuase of the bug on the 3/50
* where bytes occasionally linger in the DMA fifo.
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_COMMAND;
regsPtr->udcRdata = UDC_CMD_RESET;
regsPtr->control &= ~SI_CSR_FIFO_RES;
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_FIFO_RES;
* End extra reset code. This is really needed on the 3/50.
* The onboard DMA controller expects a control block (!)
* that describes the DMA transfer.
udct->haddr = (((unsigned) addr & 0xff0000) >> 8) | UDC_ADDR_INFO;
udct->laddr = (unsigned)addr & 0xffff;
udct->hcmr = UDC_CMR_HIGH;
udct->count = size / 2; /* #bytes -> #words */
if (ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_RECEIVE) {
udct->rsel = UDC_RSEL_RECV;
udct->lcmr = UDC_CMR_LRECV;
} else {
udct->rsel = UDC_RSEL_SEND;
udct->lcmr = UDC_CMR_LSEND;
if (size & 1) {
* Now we tell the DMA chip where the control block is
* by setting the Chain Address Register (CAR).
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_CAR_HIGH;
regsPtr->udcRdata = ((int)udct & 0xff0000) >> 8;
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_CAR_LOW;
regsPtr->udcRdata = (int)udct & 0xffff;
* Tell the chip to be a DMA master.
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_MODE;
regsPtr->udcRdata = UDC_MODE;
* Tell the chip to interrupt on error.
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_COMMAND;
regsPtr->udcRdata = UDC_CMD_CIE;
} else {
* Clear thing now, and set size later in StartDMA.
if (ctrlPtr->dmaState != DMA_INACTIVE) {
SET_DMA_ADDR(regsPtr,(unsigned)(addr - VMMACH_DMA_START_ADDR));
} else {
} else {
* fifoCount register is wired to dmaCount so both are set.
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_INTR_EN;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
printf("SCSI3Command: %s waiting for command phase.\n",
status = WaitPhase(ctrlPtr, PHASE_COMMAND, RESET);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
* After we implement reselection it is at this point that
* we have to handle messages from targets.
if (devSCSI3Debug > 0) {
printf("SCSI3: wait on PHASE_COMMAND failed.\n");
* Stuff the control block through the commandStatus register.
* The handshake on the SCSI bus is visible here: we have to
* wait for the Request line on the SCSI bus to be raised before
* we can send the next command byte to the controller. Then we
* have to set the ACK line after putting out the data, and finnaly
* wait for the REQ line to drop again.
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
printf("SCSI3Command: %s stuffing command of %d bytes.\n",
devPtr->handle.locationName, scsiCmdPtr->commandBlockLen);
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_COMMAND;
charPtr = scsiCmdPtr->commandBlock;
for (i=0 ; i< scsiCmdPtr->commandBlockLen; i++) {
* Wait for Target to request data byte.
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address)®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s couldn't send SCSI command block byte %d\n",
ctrlPtr->name, i);
* Gate data onto SCSI bus and then set ACK.
regsPtr->sbc.write.data = *charPtr;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = SBC_ICR_DATA;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd |= SBC_ICR_ACK;
* Wait for Target to take byte and drop REQ.
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address)®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s: request line didn't go low.\n",
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
printf("0x%x ", *charPtr);
if (i < scsiCmdPtr->commandBlockLen - 1) {
* Finally we drop the ACK line.
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
i = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
regsPtr->sbc.write.select = SI_HOST_ID;
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_UNSPECIFIED;
*modePtr |= SBC_MR_DMA;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
status = SUCCESS;
* StartDMA --
* Issue the sequence of commands to the controller to start DMA.
* This can be called by Dev_SCSI3Intr in response to a DATA_{IN,OUT}
* phase message.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* DMA is enabled. No registers other than the control register are
* to be accessed until DMA is disabled again.
static void
register Controller *ctrlPtr;
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr;
unsigned char junk;
int size;
size = ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr->bufferLen;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("%s: StartDMA %s called size = %d.\n", ctrlPtr->name,
(ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_RECEIVE) ? "receive" :
((ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_SEND) ? "send" :
"not-active!"), size);
regsPtr = ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
if (ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
* The DMA control block has already been set up. We just say "go".
regsPtr->udcRdata = UDC_CMD_STRT_CHN;
} else {
ctrlPtr->dmaSetup = TRUE;
if (ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_RECEIVE) {
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_DATA_IN;
junk = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
regsPtr->sbc.write.mode |= SBC_MR_DMA;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initRecv = 0;
} else {
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_DATA_OUT;
junk = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
#ifdef lint
regsPtr->sbc.read.clear = junk;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = SBC_ICR_DATA;
regsPtr->sbc.write.mode |= SBC_MR_DMA;
regsPtr->sbc.write.send = 0;
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
* GetStatusByte --
* Complete an SCSI command by getting the status bytes from
* the device and waiting for the ``command complete''
* message that follows the status bytes.
* Results:
* An error code if the status didn't come through or it
* indicated an error.
* Side effects:
* None.
static ReturnStatus
Controller *ctrlPtr; /* Controller to get byte from. */
unsigned char *statusBytePtr; /* Where to put the status byte. */
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr;
ReturnStatus status;
char message;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("GetStatusByte called ");
regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
*statusBytePtr = 0;
* After the DATA_IN/OUT phase we enter the STATUS phase for
* 1 byte (usually) of status. This is followed by the MESSAGE phase
status = WaitPhase(ctrlPtr, PHASE_STATUS, RESET);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 3) {
printf("Warning: %s wait on PHASE_STATUS failed.\n",ctrlPtr->name);
* Get one status byte.
status = GetByte(ctrlPtr, PHASE_STATUS, (char *) statusBytePtr);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s error 0x%x getting status byte\n",
ctrlPtr->name, status);
return (status);
#ifdef notdef
* From the way the code was originally written it looks like some
* devices return more that one byte of status info. Since we don't
* want these bytes drop them on the floor.
for (; ; ) {
status = GetByte(ctrlPtr, PHASE_STATUS, (char *) statusBytePtr);
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4 && (numStatusBytes == 0)) {
printf("SCSI3-%d: got error %x after %d status bytes\n",
ctrlPtr->number, status, numStatusBytes);
*statusBytePtr = statusByte;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("got 0x%x\n", *statusBytePtr);
* Wait for the message in phase and grap the COMMAND COMPLETE message
* off the bus.
status = WaitPhase(ctrlPtr, PHASE_MSG_IN, RESET);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s wait on PHASE_MSG_IN after status failed.\n",
status = GetByte(ctrlPtr, PHASE_MSG_IN, &message);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s got error 0x%x getting message and status.\n",
ctrlPtr->name, status);
if (message != SCSI_COMMAND_COMPLETE) {
printf("Warning: %s message %d after status is not command complete.\n", ctrlPtr->name, message);
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_UNSPECIFIED;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("Got message 0x%x\n", message);
* WaitReg --
* Wait for any of a set of bits to be enabled
* in the specified register. The generic regsPtr pointer is
* passed in so this routine can check for bus and parity errors.
* A pointer to the register to check, and an indicator of its type
* (its size) are passed in as well. Finally, the conditions
* can be awaited to become 1 or 0.
* Results:
* SUCCESS if the condition occurred before a threshold time limit,
* DEV_TIMEOUT otherwise.
* Side effects:
* This resets the SCSI bus if the reset parameter is true and
* the condition bits are not set by the controller before timeout.
static ReturnStatus
WaitReg(ctrlPtr, thisRegPtr, type, conditions, reset, bitSel)
Controller *ctrlPtr; /* Controller state */
Address thisRegPtr; /* pointer to register to check */
RegType type; /* "type" of the register */
unsigned int conditions; /* one or more bits to check */
Boolean reset; /* whether to reset the bus on error */
BitSelection bitSel; /* check for all or some bits going to 1/0 */
volatile register CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
register int i;
ReturnStatus status = DEV_TIMEOUT;
register unsigned int thisReg;
for (i=0 ; i<(WAIT_LENGTH/10) ; i++) {
switch (type) {
case REG_BYTE: {
unsigned char *charPtr = (unsigned char *) thisRegPtr;
thisReg = (unsigned int) *charPtr;
case REG_SHORT: {
unsigned short *shortPtr = (unsigned short *) thisRegPtr;
thisReg = (unsigned int) *shortPtr;
default: {
panic("SCSI3: GetByte: unknown type.\n");
thisReg = 0;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 10 && i < 5) {
printf("%d/%x ", i, thisReg);
switch(bitSel) {
if ((thisReg & conditions) != 0) {
case ACTIVE_ALL: {
if ((thisReg & conditions) == conditions) {
case ACTIVE_LOW: {
if ((thisReg & conditions) != conditions) {
if ((thisReg & conditions) == 0) {
default: {
panic("SCSI3: bit selector: unknown type: %d.\n",
(int) bitSel);
if (regsPtr->control & SI_CSR_DMA_BUS_ERR) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
panic("SCSI3WaitReg: bus error\n");
} else {
printf("SCSI3WaitRes: bus error\n");
status = DEV_DMA_FAULT;
#ifdef notdef
} else if (regsPtr->sbc.read.status & SBC_BSR_PERR) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 0) {
panic("SCSI3: parity error\n");
} else {
printf("SCSI3: parity error\n");
status = DEV_DMA_FAULT;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 2) {
printf("WaitReg: timed out.\n");
printf("WaitReg: was checking %x for condition(s) %x to go ",
(int) thisRegPtr, (int) conditions);
switch(bitSel) {
case ACTIVE_ALL: {
case ACTIVE_LOW: {
if (reset) {
* WaitPhase --
* Wait for a phase to be signalled in the controller registers.
* This is a specialized version of WaitReg, which compares
* all the phase bits to make sure the phase is exactly what is
* requested and not something that matches only in some bits.
* Results:
* SUCCESS if the condition occurred before a threshold time limit,
* DEV_TIMEOUT otherwise.
* Side effects:
* This resets the SCSI bus if the condition bits are not set by
* the controller before timeout.
static ReturnStatus
WaitPhase(ctrlPtr, phase, reset)
Controller *ctrlPtr; /* Controller state */
unsigned int phase; /* phase to check */
Boolean reset; /* whether to reset the bus on error */
volatile register CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
register int i;
ReturnStatus status = DEV_TIMEOUT;
register unsigned char thisReg;
for (i=0 ; i<(WAIT_LENGTH/10) ; i++) {
thisReg = regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 10 && i < 5) {
printf("%d/%x ", i, thisReg);
if ((thisReg & CBSR_PHASE_BITS) == phase) {
if (regsPtr->control & SI_CSR_DMA_BUS_ERR) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
panic("SCSI3WaitPhase: bus error\n");
} else {
printf("SCSI3WaitPhase: bus error\n");
status = DEV_DMA_FAULT;
#ifdef notdef
} else if (regsPtr->sbc.read.status & SBC_BSR_PERR) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 0) {
panic("SCSI3: parity error\n");
} else {
printf("SCSI3: parity error\n");
status = DEV_DMA_FAULT;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
printf("WaitPhase: timed out.\n");
printf("WaitPhase: was checking for phase %x.\n",
(int) phase);
if (reset) {
* PutByte --
* Put a byte onto the SCSI bus. This always goes into the MSG_OUT
* phase. This handles the standard REQ/ACK handshake to put
* the bytes on the SCSI bus.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Yanks control lines in order to put a byte on the bus.
#ifdef reselection
static ReturnStatus
PutByte(ctrlPtr, dataPtr)
Controller *ctrlPtr;
char *dataPtr;
volatile register CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *) ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
volatile unsigned char *initCmdPtr = ®sPtr->sbc.write.initCmd;
register ReturnStatus status;
unsigned char junk;
* Enter MESSAGE OUT phase and wait for REQ to be set by the target.
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_MSG_OUT;
*initCmdPtr = 0;
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address) ®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 1) {
printf("PutByte couldn't wait for REQ.\n");
* Put the data on and then ACK the target's REQ.
regsPtr->sbc.write.data = *dataPtr;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = SBC_ICR_DATA;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd |= SBC_ICR_ACK;
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address) ®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 1) {
printf("Warning: %s wait on REQ line to go low failed.\n",
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_UNSPECIFIED;
junk = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
#ifdef lint
regsPtr->sbc.read.clear = junk;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
* GetByte --
* Get a byte from the SCSI bus, corresponding to the specified phase.
* This entails waiting for a request, checking the phase, reading
* the byte, and sending an acknowledgement.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static ReturnStatus
GetByte(ctrlPtr, phase, charPtr)
Controller *ctrlPtr;
unsigned int phase;
char *charPtr;
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *)ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
ReturnStatus status;
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address) ®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if ((regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & CBSR_PHASE_BITS) != phase) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 5) {
printf("SCSI3: GetByte: wanted phase %x, got phase %x in curStatus %x.\n",
phase, regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & CBSR_PHASE_BITS,
* Use the "handshake error" to signal a new phase. This should
* be propagated into a new DEV status to signal a "condition" that
* isn't an "error".
*charPtr = regsPtr->sbc.read.data;
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = SBC_ICR_ACK;
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address) ®sPtr->sbc.read.curStatus,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
panic("SCSI3: GetByte: request line didn't go low.\n");
if ((phase == PHASE_MSG_IN) && (*charPtr == SCSI_COMMAND_COMPLETE)) {
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
regsPtr->sbc.write.mode &= ~SBC_MR_DMA;
} else {
regsPtr->sbc.write.initCmd = 0;
* PrintRegs --
* Print out the interesting registers. This could be a macro but
* then it couldn't be called from kdbx. This routine is necessary
* because kdbx doesn't print all the character values properly.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Data is displayed on the console or to the debugger.
static void
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr;
printf("ctl %x addr %x%x dmaCount %x%x fifoCount %x%x data %x\n\tinitCmd %x mode %x target %x curStatus %x status %x\n",
* SpecialSenseProc --
* Special function used for HBA generated REQUEST SENSE. A SCSI
* command request with this function as a call back proc will
* be processed by routine RequestDone as a result of a
* REQUEST SENSE. This routine is never called.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static int
return 0;
* RequestDone --
* Process a request that has finished. Unless a SCSI check condition
* bit is present in the status returned, the request call back
* function is called. If check condition is set we fire off a
* SCSI REQUEST SENSE to get the error sense bytes from the device.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* The call back function may be called.
static void
Device *devPtr; /* Device for request. */
ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr; /* Request that finished. */
ReturnStatus status; /* Status returned. */
unsigned char scsiStatusByte; /* SCSI Status Byte. */
int amountTransferred; /* Amount transferred by command. */
ReturnStatus senseStatus;
Controller *ctrlPtr = devPtr->ctrlPtr;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 3) {
printf("RequestDone for %s status 0x%x scsistatus 0x%x count %d\n",
devPtr->handle.locationName, status,scsiStatusByte,
* Unallocated any DMA allocated for this request.
if (ctrlPtr->dmaBuffer != (Address) NIL) {
VmMach_DMAFree(scsiCmdPtr->bufferLen, ctrlPtr->dmaBuffer);
ctrlPtr->dmaBuffer = (Address) NIL;
* First check to see if this is the reponse of a HBA generated
* REQUEST SENSE command. If this is the case, we can process
* the callback of the frozen command for this device and
* allow the flow of command to the device to be resummed.
if (scsiCmdPtr->doneProc == SpecialSenseProc) {
* This must be a outside request finishing. If the request
* suffered an error or the HBA or the scsi status byte
* says there is no error sense present, we can do the
* callback and free the controller.
if ((status != SUCCESS) || !SCSI_CHECK_STATUS(scsiStatusByte)) {
(scsiCmdPtr->doneProc)(scsiCmdPtr, status, scsiStatusByte,
amountTransferred, 0, (char *) 0);
* If we got here than the SCSI command came back from the device
* with the CHECK bit set in the status byte.
* Need to perform a REQUEST SENSE. Move the current request
* into the frozen state and issue a REQUEST SENSE.
devPtr->frozen.scsiCmdPtr = scsiCmdPtr;
devPtr->frozen.statusByte = scsiStatusByte;
devPtr->frozen.amountTransferred = amountTransferred;
DevScsiSenseCmd((ScsiDevice *)devPtr, DEV_MAX_SENSE_BYTES,
devPtr->senseBuffer, &(devPtr->SenseCmd));
devPtr->SenseCmd.doneProc = SpecialSenseProc,
senseStatus = SendCommand(devPtr, &(devPtr->SenseCmd));
* If we got an HBA error on the REQUEST SENSE we end the outside
* command with the SUCCESS status but zero sense bytes returned.
if (senseStatus != SUCCESS) {
(scsiCmdPtr->doneProc)(scsiCmdPtr, status, scsiStatusByte,
amountTransferred, 0, (char *) 0);
* entryAvailProc --
* Act upon an entry becomming available in the queue for this
* controller. This routine is the Dev_Queue callback function that
* is called whenever work becomes available for this controller.
* If the controller is not already busy we dequeue and start the
* request.
* NOTE: This routine is also called from DevSCSI3Intr to start the
* next request after the previously one finishes.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* Request may be dequeue and submitted to the device. Request callback
* function may be called.
static Boolean
entryAvailProc(clientData, newRequestPtr)
ClientData clientData; /* Really the Device this request ready. */
List_Links *newRequestPtr; /* The new SCSI request. */
register Device *devPtr;
register Controller *ctrlPtr;
register ScsiCmd *scsiCmdPtr;
ReturnStatus status;
devPtr = (Device *) clientData;
ctrlPtr = devPtr->ctrlPtr;
* If we are busy (have an active request) just return. Otherwise
* start the request.
if (IS_CTRL_BUSY(ctrlPtr)) {
return FALSE;
scsiCmdPtr = (ScsiCmd *) newRequestPtr;
devPtr = (Device *) clientData;
status = SendCommand(devPtr, scsiCmdPtr);
* If the command couldn't be started do the callback function.
if (status != SUCCESS) {
if (!IS_CTRL_BUSY(ctrlPtr)) {
newRequestPtr = Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet(ctrlPtr->devQueues,
if (newRequestPtr != (List_Links *) NIL) {
goto again;
return TRUE;
* DevSCSI3Intr --
* Handle interrupts from the SCSI-3 controller.
* The follow cases cause interrupts on the 5380: => SBC_IP
* 1. Reselection attempt by a target (not implemented yet)
* 2. EOP during DMA. This indicates DMA has completed.
* 3. SCSI bus reset. (Only applies to targets, not us.)
* 4. Parity error during data transfer. (Parity checking is disabled.)
* 5. Bus phase mismatch. trgtCmd must be correct for data transfers.
* 6. SCSI bus disconnect by a target (not implmented yet)
* In addition the SCSI-3 Host Adaptor will generate interrupts when:
* 7. Registers other than control are touched during DMA => DMA_CONFLICT
* 8. An error occurs during DMA. => DMA_IP
* Results:
* TRUE if an SCSI3 controller was responsible for the interrupt
* and this routine handled it.
* Side effects:
* Usually a process is notified that an I/O has completed.
ClientData clientDataArg;
Controller *ctrlPtr;
register volatile CtrlRegs *regsPtr;
Device *devPtr;
unsigned char statusByte;
ReturnStatus status;
int byteCount;
int amountToDma;
char *offset;
register int i;
unsigned char phase;
unsigned char foo;
int residual;
List_Links *newRequestPtr;
ClientData clientData;
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("DevSCSI3Intr: ");
ctrlPtr = (Controller *) clientDataArg;
regsPtr = ctrlPtr->regsPtr;
devPtr = ctrlPtr->devPtr;
if ((regsPtr->control & (SI_CSR_SBC_IP | /* 5380 interrupt */
SI_CSR_DMA_IP | /* or DMA error */
SI_CSR_DMA_CONFLICT)) /* or register goof */
== 0) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4 ) {
return FALSE;
if (ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr != (ScsiCmd *) NIL) {
residual = ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr->bufferLen;
} else {
residual = 0;
* First, disable DMA or else we'll get register conflicts.
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->control &= ~SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
byteCount = ctrlPtr->dmaSetup ? READ_FIFO_COUNT(regsPtr) : residual;
} else {
byteCount = READ_FIFO_COUNT(regsPtr);
regsPtr->sbc.write.trgtCmd = TCR_UNSPECIFIED;
* The follow cases cause interrupts on the 5380:
* 1. Selection or Reselection (only reselection applies to the CPU)
* 2. EOP during DMA. This indicates DMA has completed.
* 3. SCSI bus reset. This probably shouldn't happen; we do the resetting
* 4. Parity error during data transfer. Parity checking is disabled.
* 5. Bus phase mismatch. trgtCmd must be correct for data transfers.
* 6. SCSI bus disconnect. A target is disconnecting.
* In addition the Host Adaptor will generate interrupts when:
* 7. Registers other than control are touched during DMA => DMA_CONFLICT
* 8. An error occurs during DMA. => DMA_IP
if (regsPtr->control & (SI_CSR_DMA_IP | SI_CSR_DMA_CONFLICT)) {
* DMA Error. DMA_IP means a bus error or
* "send & fifo-empty & dmaCount == 0"
* DMA_CONFLICT means we touched a non-control reg during DMA.
if (regsPtr->control & SI_CSR_DMA_BUS_ERR) {
* A Bus Error. Complete the I/O but flag an error.
* The residual is computed because the Bus Error could
* have occurred after a number of sectors.
residual = byteCount;
printf("Warning: %s DMA bus error\n",ctrlPtr->name);
} else if (regsPtr->control & SI_CSR_DMA_CONFLICT) {
printf("Warning: %s DMA register conflict goof\n",ctrlPtr->name);
} else {
printf("Warning: %s DMA programming error\n",ctrlPtr->name);
status = DEV_DMA_FAULT;
goto rtnHardErrorAndGetNext; /* Return the hard error message
* to the call and get the next
* entry in the devQueue. */
* 5380 generated interrupt.
* Interrupt processing is described on pages 86-89.
* Parity is turned off, so SBC_BSR_PERR can be ignored.
* Busy monitoring mode is not set, so SBC_BSR_BERR can be ignored.
if (regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & SBC_CBSR_SEL) {
* Reselection attempt by a target. Unimplementned.
printf("Warning: %s reselection attempt!\n",ctrlPtr->name);
foo = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
* SBC_BSR_EDMA may be set to indicate that DMA has completed,
* or the SBC_BSR_PMTCH bit is 0 (this has been verified).
* We fall through and test the REQ line to see if the target
* is trying to send additional data bytes, or we are just
* getting a standard phase change interrupt.
for (i=0 ; i<30 ; i++) {
if (regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & SBC_CBSR_REQ) {
foo = regsPtr->sbc.read.clear;
#ifdef lint
regsPtr->sbc.read.clear = foo;
if (i == 30) {
* Apparently spurious interrupt, cause as yet unknown.
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("REQ not set: CBSR %x BSR %x\n",
regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus, regsPtr->sbc.read.status);
phase = regsPtr->sbc.read.curStatus & CBSR_PHASE_BITS;
switch (phase) {
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("Data Phase Interrupt\n");
regsPtr->sbc.write.mode &= ~SBC_MR_DMA;
case PHASE_MSG_IN: {
char message;
status = GetByte(ctrlPtr, PHASE_MSG_IN, (char *)&message);
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("Msg Phase Interrupt\n");
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s couldn't get message.\n",ctrlPtr->name);
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
if (message != SCSI_COMMAND_COMPLETE) {
printf("Warning: %s couldn't handle message 0x%x from %s.\n",
ctrlPtr->name, message,
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
if (ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
residual = byteCount;
} else {
residual = ctrlPtr->dmaSetup ? READ_DMA_COUNT(regsPtr) :
if (devSCSI3Debug > 4) {
printf("Status Phase Interrupt, residual = %d\n",residual);
if (ctrlPtr->dmaState == DMA_RECEIVE) {
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
if ((regsPtr->control & SI_CSR_LOB) != 0) {
* On a read the last odd byte is left in the byte pack
* register. We use wordmode (not 32-bit longwords)
* so there will only be one byte left. I assume it
* is Byte 0 in the byte pack reg, with is the first
* byte in the high-half.
*(char *) (READ_DMA_ADDR(regsPtr) + VMMACH_DMA_START_ADDR) =
(regsPtr->bytePackHigh & 0xff00) >> 8;
} else {
regsPtr->udcRaddr = UDC_ADR_COUNT;
* wait for the fifo to empty
status = WaitReg(ctrlPtr, (Address)®sPtr->control,
if (status != SUCCESS) {
printf("Warning: %s fifo wait failed\n",ctrlPtr->name);
amountToDma = ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr->bufferLen;
#ifdef notdef
if ((byteCount == amountToDma) ||
(byteCount + 1 == amountToDma)) {
goto out;
* Didn't transfer any data.
* The fifoCount + 1 above wards against 5380 prefetch.
goto out;
* Transfer left over byte or shortword by hand
offset = ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr->buffer +
amountToDma - byteCount;
if ((amountToDma - byteCount) & 1) {
offset[-1] = (regsPtr->fifoData & 0xff00) >> 8;
} else if (((regsPtr->udcRdata*2) - byteCount) == 2) {
offset[-2] = (regsPtr->fifoData & 0xff00) >> 8;
offset[-1] = (regsPtr->fifoData & 0xff);
status = GetStatusByte(ctrlPtr, &statusByte);
if (status != SUCCESS) {
/* Return the hard error message
* to the call and get the next
* entry in the devQueue. */
goto rtnHardErrorAndGetNext;
RequestDone(devPtr, ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr, status, statusByte,
ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr->bufferLen - residual);
if (!IS_CTRL_BUSY(ctrlPtr)) {
newRequestPtr = Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet(ctrlPtr->devQueues,
if (newRequestPtr != (List_Links *) NIL) {
(void) entryAvailProc(clientData,newRequestPtr);
default: {
printf("Warning: %s couldn't handle phase %x... ignoring.\n",
ctrlPtr->name, phase);
if (devSCSI3Debug > 0) {
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
regsPtr->control |= SI_CSR_DMA_EN;
* Jump here to return an error and reset the HBA.
if (ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr != (ScsiCmd *) NIL) {
printf("Warning: %s reset and current command terminated.\n",
* Use the queue entryAvailProc to start the next request for this device.
newRequestPtr = Dev_QueueGetNextFromSet(ctrlPtr->devQueues,
if (newRequestPtr != (List_Links *) NIL) {
(void) entryAvailProc(clientData,newRequestPtr);
return (TRUE);
* ReleaseProc --
* Device release proc for controller.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
static ReturnStatus
ScsiDevice *scsiDevicePtr;
return SUCCESS;
* DevSCSI3Init --
* Check for the existant of the Sun SCSI3 HBA controller. If it
* exists allocate data stuctures for it.
* Results:
* TRUE if the controller exists, FALSE otherwise.
* Side effects:
* Memory may be allocated.
DevConfigController *ctrlLocPtr; /* Controller location. */
int ctrlNum;
Boolean found;
Controller *ctrlPtr;
int i,j;
* See if the controller is there.
ctrlNum = ctrlLocPtr->controllerID;
found = (ctrlLocPtr->space == DEV_OBIO) ?
ProbeOnBoard(ctrlLocPtr->address) :
if (!found) {
* It's there. Allocate and fill in the Controller structure.
if (ctrlNum+1 > numSCSI3Controllers) {
numSCSI3Controllers = ctrlNum+1;
Controllers[ctrlNum] = ctrlPtr = (Controller *) malloc(sizeof(Controller));
bzero((char *) ctrlPtr, sizeof(Controller));
ctrlPtr->regsPtr = (volatile CtrlRegs *) (ctrlLocPtr->address);
if (ctrlLocPtr->space == DEV_OBIO) {
ctrlPtr->onBoard = TRUE;
ctrlPtr->udcDmaTable = (UDCDMAtable *)
VmMach_DMAAlloc(sizeof(UDCDMAtable), malloc(sizeof(UDCDMAtable)));
if (ctrlPtr->udcDmaTable == (UDCDMAtable *) NIL) {
panic("DevSCSI3Init: unable to allocate DMA memory.\n");
} else {
ctrlPtr->onBoard = FALSE;
* Set the address modifier in the interrupt vector.
ctrlPtr->regsPtr->addrIntr = INTR_ADDR(ctrlLocPtr->vectorNumber);
ctrlPtr->name = ctrlLocPtr->name;
* Initialized the name, device queue header, and the master lock.
* The controller comes up with no devices active and no devices
* attached. Reserved the devices associated with the
* targetID of the controller (7).
ctrlPtr->devQueues = Dev_CtrlQueuesCreate(&(ctrlPtr->mutex),entryAvailProc);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
ctrlPtr->devicePtr[i][j] = (i == 7) ? (Device *) 0 : (Device *) NIL;
ctrlPtr->scsiCmdPtr = (ScsiCmd *) NIL;
Controllers[ctrlNum] = ctrlPtr;
return (ClientData) ctrlPtr;
* DevSCSI3AttachDevice --
* Attach a SCSI device using the Sun SCSI3 HBA.
* Results:
* None.
* Side effects:
* None.
ScsiDevice *
DevSCSI3AttachDevice(devicePtr, insertProc)
Fs_Device *devicePtr; /* Device to attach. */
void (*insertProc)(); /* Queue insert procedure. */
Device *devPtr;
Controller *ctrlPtr;
char tmpBuffer[512];
int length;
int ctrlNum;
int targetID, lun;
* First find the SCSI3 controller this device is on.
ctrlNum = SCSI_HBA_NUMBER(devicePtr);
if ((ctrlNum > MAX_SCSI3_CTRLS) ||
(Controllers[ctrlNum] == (Controller *) 0)) {
return (ScsiDevice *) NIL;
ctrlPtr = Controllers[ctrlNum];
targetID = SCSI_TARGET_ID(devicePtr);
lun = SCSI_LUN(devicePtr);
* Allocate a device structure for the device and fill in the
* handle part. This must be created before we grap the MASTER_LOCK.
devPtr = (Device *) malloc(sizeof(Device));
bzero((char *) devPtr, sizeof(Device));
devPtr->handle.devQueue = Dev_QueueCreate(ctrlPtr->devQueues,
1, insertProc, (ClientData) devPtr);
devPtr->handle.locationName = "Unknown";
devPtr->handle.LUN = lun;
devPtr->handle.releaseProc = ReleaseProc;
devPtr->handle.maxTransferSize = (ctrlPtr->onBoard) ?
if (!ctrlPtr->onBoard) {
countHighMask = 0xff;
devPtr->targetID = targetID;
devPtr->ctrlPtr = ctrlPtr;
* A device pointer of zero means that targetID/LUN
* conflicts with that of the HBA. A NIL means the
* device hasn't been attached yet.
if (ctrlPtr->devicePtr[targetID][lun] == (Device *) 0) {
(void) Dev_QueueDestroy(devPtr->handle.devQueue);
free((char *) devPtr);
return (ScsiDevice *) NIL;
if (ctrlPtr->devicePtr[targetID][lun] != (Device *) NIL) {
(void) Dev_QueueDestroy(devPtr->handle.devQueue);
free((char *) devPtr);
return (ScsiDevice *) (ctrlPtr->devicePtr[targetID][lun]);
ctrlPtr->devicePtr[targetID][lun] = devPtr;
(void) sprintf(tmpBuffer, "%s#%d Target %d LUN %d", ctrlPtr->name, ctrlNum,
devPtr->targetID, devPtr->handle.LUN);
length = strlen(tmpBuffer);
devPtr->handle.locationName = (char *) strcpy(malloc(length+1),tmpBuffer);
return (ScsiDevice *) devPtr;